I have not received my order, what now?
When you place an order with us, you will always receive a Track & Trace code, so you can track your order. If you are unclear where your package is or it has gone beyond the expected delivery time of 5-10 business days, please contact our customer service team through the chat. Clearly state your order ID. We will work in collaboration with the shipping company to track your order.
Unfortunately, sometimes items become lost or damaged during transport. If this happens we will submit a claim to the shipping company to investigate the matter. If this happens, Hypeboost will start an investigation with the shipping company. Keep in mind this can take an average of 3-4 weeks. To start an investigation, message customer support within 7 days of shipment and clearly state your Order ID. After the period of 7 days, it is no longer possible to start a claim with the courier.
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